Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Highest Volcano

The Highest Volcano - Ojos del Salado

     The Ojos del Salado is a stratovolcano with 6,893 meters of altitude, considered the highest volcano in the world. It is also the second highest mountain in South America.

    Located within a very wild, desolate and very little explored the border between Argentina and Chile, 600 km north of Aconcagua, at the beginning of the Atacama Desert.

    It is considered a dormant volcano. Recent studies say its last eruption occurred approximately 1300 years. But in its crater, fumaroles still exists and its surroundings there are several hot springs warmed by its heat. Near the summit, there is occurrence of snow in midsummer.

       The Ojos del Salado is exactly on the border between Argentina and Chile can be climbed on both sides. On the Chilean bureaucracy is bigger, but you can go up high on a 4x4, sleeping in shelters, and easier to climb the face of the mountain to reach the true summit.

     The summit of Ojos del Salado was reached first on February 26, 1937, the Poles, Jan Szczepanski and Alfred Wojsznis Justyn. The nearest town of Ojos del Salado is Copiapo, the 280km of their base. It is in this city that should be asked permission to climb and the last purchases made, then there is no other support.

      There are three basic camps: Laguna Verde (4,300 m) where there is a mountain retreat and during the summer season has a guide that provides basic information, along with a hot spring with waters over 40 degrees. The second camp (5,200 m), also has a small shelter with a guide during the summer season and last is Tejos (5,750 m), which has two bunk beds and can be used by whoever gets there, provided there is vacancy.

      The ascent to the summit is quite difficult, given to those who have previous experience and special equipment, although the condition of the hot desert, from its base camp at Laguna Verde, is very cold and the air is thin, the third and final camp Tejos ( 5750 m) is common temperatures 15-20 degrees Celsius in summer.

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