Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Longest Rivers

The Longest Rivers

1 - Amazon River - 6,937 km - Brazil
   The Amazon River is the longest river in the world, both in volume of water and the length. With its 6937 km, cutting across northern South America, in the heart of the Amazon Forest and empties into the Atlantic Ocean. In the full distance from one shore to another can reach 50 km. Most of the river is in Brazil, but passes through Colombia, Bolivia and Peru.

2 - Nile River - 6,852 km - Egypt
   The Nile River is the longest river in Africa and the 2nd longest in the world. Rise to the south of the equator and flows into the Mediterranean Sea.
Its watershed spans parts of Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Sudan, Southern Sudan, Ethiopia and Egypt.
By 2008, it was considered the world's largest river, losing the post to the Amazon River expedition that revealed that after 140 km is more extensive.

3 - Yangtze River - 6300 km - China
   The Yangtze River is also known as the Blue River is the longest river in Asia and the 3rd longest in the world. Precorre 6300 km from its headwaters in the mountains Kunlum (Qinghai and Tibet), to the East China Sea, always within the Chinese territory. Its watershed irrigates the most fertile regions of China. The canyon is located in the Yarlung Zangboer Yangtze, and is the largest in the world. In the Yangtze was built the largest plant in the world, the Three Gorges Dam.

4 - River Missisipe - 6270 km - USA
   The Mississippi River, along with its tributary, the Missouri River, form the largest river basin in North America. When measured from the source of Missouri, the total length of all Missouri-Mississippi is approximately 6270 km, the 4 most throughout the world. Its mouth results in a large delta in the Gulf of Mexico, about 160 km from the city of New Orleans.

5 - Yenisei River - 5,539 km - Russia
  The Yenisei River is the main river in Siberia (Russia) and the 5th longest in the world.Along with its tributaries, soma 5539 km.
The Rio Yenissei born in the mountains of the Republic of Tuva and desenboca in the Arctic Ocean.

6 - Ob River - 5,464 km - Russia
   The Ob River is one of the major rivers of western Siberia and the 6th longest in the world, with 5964 km. It is known by the people as Khanty Yag, Kolta and Yema, the Nenets as Kolta or Kuay and the Siberian Tatars as Omar or Umar.

7 - Yellow River (Huang Ho) - China
   The Yellow River, also known as Huang He or Huang Ho, is the second longest in China and 6 of the world, measuring 5464 km. It is of great importance to China's economy since its valley has fertile soil, good pasture and important mineral deposits. It was this river that Chinese civilization began.
Its name is due to the large amount of suspended materials that drag their turbulent waters, mud and fine sand particles, which give it its characteristic color.

8 - Heilong River (Armur) - 4.440 km - Russia
   The river Armur is the 8th longest river in the world and forms a part of the border between Russia and China and at the end of the route goes entirely in Russian territory.Form a basin spans the territory of Russia, China and Mongolia.

9 - Congo River - 4,371 km - Congo
    The river Congo, also known as the Zaire River, is the 2nd longest river in Africa (after the Nile) and the 9th longest in the world, with a total length of 4371 km. It is the second of the world in volume of water that empties into the Atlantic Ocean.

10 - Lena River - 4.260 km - Russia
     The Lena River is located in Siberia (Russia) and is the 10th longest in the world with 4260 km. Rises to 1640 m altitude in the Baikal Mountains in southern Central Siberian Plateau. Flows into the Laptev Sea, the Arctic Ocean, with a delta of 10,800 square kilometers in area.

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